Drain Guards: Stormwater BMP

By Scott Lai

waste collected from drain guardsThe photo to the right shows how much waste was collected from drain guards after just two weeks in storm drains in Southern California (via Ultra Tech International).It just goes to show how important drain guards are as a type of stormwater BMPs (Best Management Practices).

Drain guards, also known as witch's hats, are placed inside a drain and collects contaiminants from cars, silt, sediment, and oil from stormwater runoff. This prevents waste from entering our oceans. 

Filter Out Pollutants From Catch Basin

By Scott Lai

Catch basin filters, such as UltraTech's Ultra-HydroKleen, are an advanced BMP (Best Management Practice) for stormwater pollution prevention. The Ultra-Hydrokleen is capable of filtering out sediment and removes hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and other organics from stormwater and industrial run-off. Watch the video below to learn more about UltraTech's catch basin filter; Ultra-Hydrokleen.



To learn more about the Ultra-Hydrokleen, view the product page here

Impact of Federal Sign Regulations on Private Property

By Bob Peterson

Compliant STOP SignThis post is a version of the article "A Sign From The Feds" found in the December 2013-January 2014 issue of Building Management Hawaii.

If the public travels on a property you own or manage, such as a shopping center, office, apartment complex, or recreational facility, any traffic control device must conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).