Standard Traffic Signs

To achieve uniformity throughout the United States, the Department of Transportation suggests the use of specific images, sign sizes and finishes for various highways, roads and streets. These guidelines are outlined in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) for Streets and Highways.The same sign standards used for roads & highways are required for private roads and parking lots that the public has access to.
G P Roadway Solutions fabricates signs locally, according to State and Federal Highway specifications, based on the MUTCD. Although the specific application is the responsibility of the customer, GPRS offers a wide spectrum of MUTCD compliant and non-MUTCD signs. The MUTCD may offer various options for signs, and we will offer you the option the State of Hawaii or local City & County departments on your island accept as the standard.
We encourage our customers to follow the guidelines when ordering traffic signs. To place an order or inquire about availability, please specify the sign code, finish, size, or consult with any of our sales representatives. If you give us the purpose and location of the sign, we can recommend the best option.
We have a large inventory of the common traffic signs used on roads and in parking lots. Please ask for availability. Because there are 1000’s of sign possibilities within the MUTCD not to mention custom variations, we do not stock every possible sign. We are well stocked with aluminum sign blanks and have the local production capability to produce any sign you need. If you have a unique situation that requires a custom sign, we can offer you the best solution in Hawaii.