Having committed to stepping up sales in 2011, G P Maintenance Solutions continues to push forward, hungry for more sales and new lines of business in 2012.
The application of MicroGuard for the division’s Whole School Renovation project with the Department of Education kept crews working fast and furiously during the tight timeframes of school breaks in 2011. After completing work at nine public schools prior to the new school year, the Kohala and Ewa Makai Middle Schools capped off this project for 2011.
The 2011 APEC conference also presented work opportunity as GPMS joined forces with Bowers & Kubota to help clean up graffiti around the convention center, including its adjacent parking lot. Bill Paik and the GPMS staff helped paint over graffiti and sealed the parking lot walls with MicroGuard. But once the APEC barricades were removed, one of the walls immediately got tagged. The end result, though, was positive publicity for the Company when KHON2 did a piece on MicroGuard and showed how easy it is to remove graffiti from a treated surface. Compliments on the APEC job came from Bowers & Kubota as well as Diamond Parking, and Diamond is now considering MicroGuard for all of its 28 parking lots around the state.
More recently, a large MicroGuard job on air conditioning units at Hickam Air Force Base began in December and should be completed within a few months.
As GPMS seeks to grow new business, it is currently repainting a 10-year-old Grace Pacific plant at the Kapaa Quarry in Windward Oahu, a job that is estimated to take 3-4 months. GPMS is also looking into seal coating parking lots and packaging this with signs, striping, parking blocks, speed bumps, bollards, crack filling, parking mirrors and anything else needed in a parking facility. Rebidding for a Runway Friction Maintenance contract takes place within the next few months, and hopefully there will be good news to report next quarter.
As the crew faces lulls between projects, its non-union status allows them to assist other non-unionized areas when extra support is needed. Not only does this provide work opportunity for the crew, but it exposes them to other departments and adds value to their contribution to the entire Company. A re-energized sales team meanwhile is intent on capturing new customers by educating them on GPMS’s “green” efforts to help protect, prolong and preserve existing assets with its permanent, protective MicroGuard coating for internal and external facility maintenance solutions.