Material Sales
2011 was an exciting year for Unistrut Hawaii marked by significant achievements. Sales of aluminum and stainless steel channel to photovoltaic installers contributed a significant portion of overall sales. Additionally, stainless steel Unistrut material accounted for 25% of department revenues. Increased revenue from these products helped Unistrut Hawaii reach record revenues.
Installed Work
Installed work also continues to provide a major source of revenue for Unistrut Hawaii. Significant projects for FY11 included Oahu Country Club Clubhouse Renovation,
Monsanto Piilani Farms, UH Art Building AC Replacement, and Kaiser Moanalua Ancillary Remodel PH. 1A. The Kaiser project will continue to keep our crew busy throughout FY12.
New Opportunities
Good work and positive exposure begets new opportunities. In conjunction with work at Kaiser Moanalua, Unistrut Hawaii was certified as an authorized installer of Liko Patient Lift Systems in conjunction with a 42-room project at Kaiser Moanalua. Patient lifts are useful in reducing worker’s compensation claims in the nursing field by reducing back injuries associated with handling immobile patients who are undergoing care. As the sole certified Liko installer in Hawaii, Unistrut Hawaii is positioned to take advantage of this emerging market.
2011 also brought new opportunities with products and services outside of Unistrut metal framing. New products include Gripple Cable Hangers used by electrical and mechanical contractors for utility supports. Gripple also provides pre-engineered seismic bracing systems for the construction industry as well.
In 2012, Unistrut Hawaii will be actively promoting permanent fall protection systems as a working relationship has been forged with Falltech to promote their platform fall protection systems. The department looks forward to making more strides in having this piece of business develop into a major revenue source.
To support these new activities Nicole Young, formerly with Inside Sales, joined the team as its Sales Specialist to assist in sales and marketing initiatives. The department also anticipates additional hires to its installation crew.